Dive into the world of Aquarium Wonders. Make your tank pop with an abundance of aquatic life with these colourful fish species.

Creating an aquarium that’s a true rainbow of colours is a dream for many fish enthusiasts, for whom the allure of a vibrant and dynamic underwater world is unparalleled.
In our guide to aquarium wonders, we delve into the depths of our aquatic knowledge to bring you ten captivatingly colourful fish species that will transform your tank into a rainbow.
From the vivid blues of betta fish to the fiery reds of jewel cichlids, we’ve covered the whole spectrum of colours! Let’s take a look at the most colourful fish species for your tank.
The World Bucket List’s top tips for keeping colourful fish species:
- Before getting colourful fish, research their specific care requirements. This would include water needs, tank size, and how they get on with other fish species. This way, you can plan your aquarium setup accordingly.
- When building your aquarium, try to match the fish’s native environment.
- It’s important to research the dietary requirements of your fish in order to provide a balanced and varied diet.
- When picking tank mates, ensure the fish you introduce are compatible with both your current fish and your tank’s water needs.
- Allow time for your fish to settle into their new environment and avoid making sudden changes that may adversely affect this.
10. Betta Fish (Betta splendens) – a striking fish for your aquarium

Also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, these fish are extraordinary to look at thanks to their beautiful bright orange, red, and blue colours.
Fin sizes with these fish can vary, but they are most certainly ideal for adding a flash of colour to smaller tanks. While it’s possible for male and female betta fish to be kept together, it is not recommended.
9. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) – a distinct little fish

You can’t mistake the neon tetra with its striking blue and red stripes. Elegant and sleek, their peaceful nature makes them a firm favourite amongst aquarists.
Plus, when introduced to a community tank of other fish, their vivid colours stand out in the crowd.
8. Discus (Symphysodon) – funky patterns

With their stunning array of colours and intricate patterns, discus fish are akin to living canvases in your tank.
It is important to bear in mind that these fish require a larger tank and preferably an experienced aquarist. As such, this would not be considered a ‘beginner fish’.
7. Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia) – one of the most colourful fish species for your tank

You don’t earn the name rainbowfish for nothing. Indeed, the rainbowfish makes for an underwater kaleidoscope. Their vivid colours are sure to be the focal point of your aquarium.
True to their name, rainbows are an explosion of colours, turning your aquarium into a breathtaking spectacle. Also known simply as guppies, these captivating fish will surely be the crowning jewel in your underwater paradise.
6. Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya) – deep cherry red

The small but stunning cherry barb is resplendent in its deep cherry red. The cherry barb is a hardy and very adaptable fish, making it an excellent choice for beginners looking to add a bit of colour to their tank.
5. Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) – stunning reds and blues

Similar to but bigger than the neon tetra, these fish are renowned for their stunning blue and red colours. This is a small but graceful fish. The cardinal tetra adds an air of elegance to your tank, becoming a visual delight for anyone lucky enough to see it.
4. Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara) – from the beautiful waters of South America

The peacock cichlid hails from the pristine waters of Lake Malawi in South America. Just on their looks alone, they are set to mesmerize any tank with their iridescent blue colours.
Surprisingly peaceful for cichlids, they make an excellent choice for those seeking both beauty and harmony in their aquarium.
3. Dwarf Gourami (Trichogaster lalius) − exquisite colours

Dwarf gouramis are a sight for sore eyes with their exquisite blend of blue and red shades. They are a perfect choice for smaller tanks and add a touch of luxury to your aquatic display.
2. German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) − a delightful addition

These charming dwarf cichlids are adorned with vibrant blue colours, making them a delightful addition to your aquarium.
While they require some special care, their captivating appearance more than compensates for the effort.
1. Jewel Cichlid (Hemichromis bimaculatus) − a centrepiece for your aquarium

Last up on our list of the most colourful fish species for your tank is the jewel cichlid. This fish’s fiery red-orange hue makes it a centrepiece of any aquarium. Its colour is a match for a vibrant personality.
Notable mentions

Endler’s Livebearer (Poecilia wingei): This is a small fish that is perfect for beginners as they are easy to care for. Still, they add a burst of colour to any tank.
Clownfish (Amphiprioninae): Famous from the Disney Pixar film Finding Nemo, the orange and white clownfish can thrive in saltwater aquariums.
Killifish (Aphyosemion): Killifish come in a mesmerizing array of colours and patterns, making them a fascinating addition to your aquarium. These versatile fish offer a delightful spectrum of colours that can cater to various preferences.
Flowerhorn Cichlid (man-made hybrid): Known for their bright colours and large, distinctive heads, these are known as ornamental fish for your tank.
Your questions answered about colourful fish species for your tank
If you’ve still got questions, don’t worry. In this section, we answer some of our readers’ most frequently asked questions.
What is the most colourful fish in the world?
Many would say the Discus fish, thanks to its stunning colours and intricate patterns.
Is Rainbow fish a community fish?
Rainbowfish are known for their peaceful nature, which allows them to coexist in harmony with a variety of other species.
What is a group of rainbow fish called?
The collective noun for fish is a “school” or a “shoal”; rainbow fish are no different!