Ever wondered what is lurking below the waterline? These are the ten most dangerous fish in the world.

When the conversation of dangerous species comes into play, the first thing that springs to mind is enormous land mammals and slithering snakes.
However, there are many deadly species thriving below the murky waters. Here, we reveal the ten most dangerous fish in the world.
The World Bucket List’s top facts about the most dangerous fish in the world:
- Shark attacks cause an average of 70 deaths annually.
- On the other hand, great white sharks rarely attack humans. However, they remain one of the most dangerous animals in Africa when provoked.
- Tigerfish are found in African rivers.
- Although not a fish, it is best to be aware of the candiru. The aquatic parasite can invade the body through almost any orifice.
- When properly prepared, fugu (the pufferfish) is a delicacy in Japan. You should only eat it if prepared by a reputable specialist chef.
10. Shark – a cinematic predator

Sharks are world-known as one of the most dangerous predators. This is primarily due to the 1975 cinematic phenomenon, Jaws. That, and the fact that there have been countless deaths related to lethal shark encounters.
In 2020, there were 57 unprovoked attacks on record, and 39 provoked, not to mention the three boat attacks.
RELATED READ: The WBL guide to the most dangerous sea creatures in the world.
9. Barracuda – a speedy and aggressive fish

Of all of the most dangerous fish in the world, the barracuda is the fastest in the water.
Lurking in tropical seas, especially near islets or coral reefs, this fish has been known to attack its prey at incredible speed – from 0-90 kilometres per hour in mere moments, to be specific.
8. The Box Jellyfish – the most venomous marine animal

Did you know that the box jellyfish is the most venomous marine animal in the world?
Indeed, this species boasts oodles of poison that can kill whoever makes contact with it in just a few minutes. In fact, a simple sting can lead to cardiac arrest and even death!
Although closely associated with Australia, box jellyfish can be found as far north as California, USA. Keeping in theme, check out the most dangerous dogs in the world.
7. Piranha – a man-eating fish

Piranhas have ended up with a pretty well-known reputation as man-eaters. And while this isn’t entirely untrue, it has certainly been exaggerated in the media.
These species, which are one of the world’s most dangerous fish, originate from South America are carnivorous with razor-sharp teeth and a bad temper. Best not stumble across them when they’re in a foul mood, we reckon.
6. Tigerfish – Africa’s most dangerous fish

One sight of this fish, and you’ll never erase that face. Indeed, Tigerfish have a shocking image. Huge in size with enormous teeth, they are considered Africa’s most dangerous fish and undoubtedly one of the most dangerous fish in the world.
Tigerfish can weigh up to 70 kilos (154 pounds) and stretch to over 5.9 feet (1.8 meters) in length, making this fish a true force to be reckoned with.
LEARN MORE: Our guide to the most dangerous animals in Africa.
5. Spotfin lionfish – an entirely poisonous species

The Spotfin lionfish may be visually stunning, but don’t let appearances fool you: they are one of the most dangerous fish in the world.
Entirely venomous in composition, it is safe to say you’d do well to keep your distance from this distinct brown and white stripe fish.
It’s worth noting, though, while a sting from this poisonous fish may cause severe pain, discomfort, and nausea, it is unlikely to cause death.
4. Electric eel – 330-650 volts of electricity to be exact

This South American fish is known world-over. Lurking in the depths, grey and sluggish, electric eels use their 330-650 volts to disarm their prey.
These dangerous predators can be found in the Amazon basin and can weigh up to 22 kg (48.5 pounds).
3. The Red Lionfish – a venomous, visually stunning fish

Although encounters with the red lionfish are rarely fatal, it is worth noting that they are also one of the world’s most dangerous fish.
Venomous fin spines serving up severely painful strings, we suggest you keep a good distance from this stunning species of fish.
2. Fugu – 25 times more poisonous than cyanide

This unique fish can swell with water when feeling intimidated. Also known as the pufferfish, this species has tetrodotoxin – a substance 25 times more poisonous than cyanide.
In fact, the fugu has poison in its skin, liver, and entrails and enough toxins to kill up to 30 people. This is no comparison to some of the cutest fish in the world.
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1. Stonefish – an easily missable and hazardous species

The stonefish is a familiar face. It has been named one of the world’s ugliest fish and has a memorable mug, to say the least.
Mimicking the form of sea rock, this chameleon-type fish is found in Indo-Pacific waters and is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous fish in the world. The result of misstepping on this fish in shallow water can be severe, even fatal!
NEXT UP: Lighten the mood with our guide to the friendliest animals in the world.
Your questions answered about the most dangerous fish in the world
In this section, we answer some of our readers’ most frequently asked questions as well as those that appear often in online searches on the topic.
What is the world’s most dangerous fish to eat?
Fugu (blowfish) is the most dangerous fish to eat if not prepared correctly.
What is the most dangerous fish in the UK?
The weever fish is one of the only venomous species of fish in the UK.
What’s the deadliest animal on earth?
Mosquitos are the deadliest animal on earth. They are responsible for between 750,000 and one million human deaths every year.