Travel makes you stronger, and not just because of the heavy backpacks; let’s check out the top reasons why solo travel is the best way.

If you have always dreamed of visiting far-flung destinations but aren’t quite sure if you want to take the leap on your own, then these top reasons why solo travel is the best may be the inspiration you’ve been waiting for.
While there are some incredible benefits to travelling in a group, with a partner or with a best friend, there are far more benefits to travelling solo than you might think, and this is something that becomes entirely clear once you step foot out of your comfort zone.
With that in mind, be prepared to be inspired by our top 10 reasons why solo travel is the best way.
10. It Helps You Grow – an essential part of life

Spending time travelling solo is one of the best ways to grow; this is why so many people choose to take a year out before settling down in college and instead opt to follow the path of growth before committing.
9. You Become More Approachable – making more friends

Believe it or not, solo travellers are much more approachable than those in groups or with partners. As a result, you will find yourself making more friends, being invited on random adventures, and integrating into the local cultures you never imagined.
8. Adventures Will Find You – open to fun experiences

One of the top reasons solo travel is the best way to go is that adventures will find you. By saying this, we mean that you are more likely to travel with an open mind, which is how exciting adventures come about since you have no one to change your mind or influence you.
7. You Can Be Spontaneous – change your plans whenever

Planning can be fun, but it is even more fun to be spontaneous and go with the flow, especially when meeting other travellers and getting local tips or recommendations on places of interest. Not having to run this by your travel mates means you can change your plans with no worries at the drop of a hat.
6. Less Stress – travelling stays fun

With travel comes the stresses of planning, booking accommodation, missing your transport and other such things, but travelling solo is far less stressful than in a group.
If things go wrong, you can just relax and devise a plan b without compromising or hearing the words ‘I told you so’.
5. It Takes You Out of Your Comfort Zone – the positive push you need

One of the main reasons why solo travel is the best way is undoubtedly because it pushes you far beyond your comfort zone and encourages you to take charge.
It also helps you to deal with situations and make your own decisions, which many of us might not get the chance to do if we travel with someone who likes to assume control.
4. It Builds Resilience – travel makes you stronger

Travelling solo pushes you out of your comfort zone, whether you like it or not, which builds resilience within us.
When things go wrong, or we make silly mistakes, we come out at the other end feeling incredibly strong and ready to take on anything, which is a great skill to have.
3. The Social Aspect – new friends, new experiences

When travelling solo, you are more likely to approach people, especially other solo travellers, which bond you instantly together.
As well as meeting other solo travellers, you will be more likely to meet more locals, join in on more activities and change your plans to perhaps travel with others at a moment’s notice.
2. Travel at Your Own Pace – take it all in

This can mean many things to each of us, whether it is waking up at a particular time, going to bed at a specific time or eating meals at a certain time.
It can be extremely draining to change your rhythms to fit someone else’s plans, and by travelling solo, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
1. Freedom – nothing beats it

The number one reason why solo travel is the best way must be freedom. We all travel to explore the privilege of seeing and doing what we are drawn to. And, sometimes when travelling with others, we have to make compromises and, in turn, miss out on things we so badly want to experience.
These are some of the top reasons solo travel is the best way, so take this as a sign to book that trip you’ve always dreamed of rather than waiting for others to join. You won’t regret it!