If you’ve ever been asked what the smallest countries in the world are at a quiz and didn’t know the answer, we have you covered. Here are the smallest countries in the world, ranked.

Ranging between 0.49km² to 316km², we have compiled a list for you of the smallest countries across the globe.
Some are enclaves, and some are islands, but all are adequately small enough in size, shape, and area to qualify for selection.
The list crosses from continent to continent, ocean to ocean. Some of the answers may surprise you, and some may not. But this is a bit of information you may want to retain for your next pub quiz. Here are the smallest countries in the world, ranked.
10. Malta – full of history despite its size

First on our list of the smallest countries in the world is Malta. Malta, officially known as the Republic of Malta, is an island country in Europe found in the Mediterranean Sea.
Malta is only 316km² and is the smallest Member State of the European Union (EU). Despite its small stature, it boasts a mountain of history, from the Romans to the French.
9. Maldives – a scenic holiday destination

Next up is the smallest country in Asia; the Maldives. The archipelagic country lies around 750km (470 miles) from the mainland of Asia and only measures 300km² itself.
The Maldives are one of the most scenic holiday destinations in the world and ranks as the flattest country in the world. Plenty of accolades for the Maldives today.
8. Saint Kitts and Nevis – punching big for its small size

The Caribbean country of Saint Kitts and Nevis is 8th on our list of the smallest countries in the world, measuring at 261km². It is a dual island nation and home to mountains, beaches, monkeys, and a volcano.
This is another small country rife with history, as it was one of the first Caribbean countries colonised by Europeans.
7. Marshall Islands – enjoying its independence

The Republic of the Marshall Islands can be found in the Pacific Ocean and consists of a chain of volcanic islands.
It is only 181km² in size, making it one of the smallest countries in the world. The Marshall Islands were once deemed a US territory but received its independence in 1979.
6. Liechtenstein – one of the smallest countries in the world

The second European entry on our list of the smallest countries in the world is Liechtenstein. It is only 160km² and sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland.
The capital of the country is the modern city of Vaduz, and it is a German-speaking nation. Liechtenstein is the last remnant of the Holy Roman Empire, with 76.2% of its population being Roman Catholic.
5. San Marino – the world’s oldest republic?

Another European entry and a large drop in size as we enter the top five smallest countries in the world is San Marino.
San Marino, which sits on the slopes of Mount Titano on the Adriatic side of Italy, measures only 61km².
San Marino is composed of nine municipalities and claims that it is the world’s oldest republic, having been founded back in 301AD.
4. Tuvalu – made up of nine small islands

Measuring a mere 26km² is Tuvalu, an extremely small island country in the Pacific Ocean. It is comprised of nine islands, and the capital, Funafuti, is popular for diving and snorkelling among sea turtles.
It has a population of only 10,400 and is now a constitutional monarchy with one legislative house of Parliament.
3. Nauru – the smallest republic in the world

Nauru slightly pips Tuvalu as the third-smallest county in the world as it is made up of only 21km². It is not only the smallest country in Oceania, but it is also the smallest republic in the world.
Nauru only gained its independence back in 1968 and, as of 2020, can boast a population of 10,834 people.
2. Monaco – a stunning tourist destination

At a tiny 2.02km², Monaco claims the penultimate prize on our list of the smallest countries in the world.
This stunning enclave on the French coast is the smallest country with a coastline and is the smallest United Nations member state.
Officially known as the Principality of Monaco, the sovereign microstate is one of the wealthiest and most luxurious tourist destinations in the world.
1. Vatican City – the home of Catholicism

Topping our list of the smallest countries in the world is the home of Roman Catholicism, Vatican City, which measures a minute 0.49km².
It is governed by the Holy See and home to the Pope. It is surrounded by the ancient city of Rome and is home to a wealth of history, art, and architecture. Its total population is just 825 people.