Dubai makes for a fantastic holiday destination, if you follow the rules, that is. These are some laws you really must be aware of when visiting.

Dubai is a glamourous destination boasting incredible beaches, luxurious hotel resorts and even the tallest building in the world, but there is more to Dubai than you might have thought.
While every city and country makes its own rules around the globe, Dubai has its own set of rules, some of which may seem outrageous, but breaking them can put you in jail.
When planning to visit this thriving UAE city, you should be aware of a few things. Here are ten things not to do in Dubai that could get you jailed/
10. Drink driving – zero tolerance

While there are many places in the world which have alcohol limits set out, allowing you to drink and drive after a small beer or glass of wine, for instance, there is a zero-tolerance policy in Dubai, so don’t think about getting behind the wheel, even if you’ve just had a beer with dinner.
9. Bad behaviour – no offensive language

One of the top things not to do in Dubai, which could get you jailed, is to lose your cool and show offensive behaviour.
Acts such as road rage or gesturing to someone rudely can lead to the police being called and you being arrested, so always keep calm and carry on when in Dubai.
8. Photographs – always get consent

Taking photographs without obtaining prior consent is deemed an offence in Dubai, so always be extra careful if you plan to take photos in public, especially with people in them.
If you post the images online, the situation worsens, which exasperates the already terrible problem, so take care and plan.
7. PDA – keep it private

If you are married, the most you can display in public is holding hands, so don’t even think about public kissing, hugging or anything else.
When it comes to unmarried couples and the LGBTQ community, steer clear of drawing any attention with any public displays of affection and save it for your private space. This is one of the Dubai customs to be aware of before you go.
6. Ramadan rules – no eating in public

It is illegal to eat, drink or smoke in public during Ramadan, and expats or tourists who will be in Dubai during this time (March/April) should be very careful not to break this law.
It is fine to do this within your own four walls, but always be conscious of this law in public spaces.
5. Dress code – keep it appropriate

Yes, Dubai may be a cosmopolitan city but let’s not forget it is a Muslim city with traditional rules and laws.
One of them is the dress code, and one of the things not to do in Dubai is to dress inappropriately, such as wearing bikinis, sleeveless tops or short shorts in public, which is a punishable offence.
4. Alcohol consumption – illegal in public places

Expats and tourists cannot consume alcohol in public places, only within a venue with a license. These are generally nightclubs, rooftop bars, beach clubs, or bars connected to hotels, so this is one thing to be aware of when travelling to Dubai.
3. LGBTQ rules – strictly illegal

Being part of the LGBTQ community is illegal in Dubai. While public displays of affection, in general, are seen as inappropriate and strongly frowned upon, it is heavily recommended to be aware of this if you fall into this category.
Since this is a Muslim city, all types of same-sex acts can lead to imprisonment and fines.
2. Unmarried couples – a rule to be aware of

Regardless of your sexual orientation, it is deemed illegal when it comes to sexual relations, even if you are a couple that has been together for a long time.
This can prove difficult when booking hotel rooms since you may need to show proof of marriage to be able to share.
1. Dancing in public – the most shocking of them all

One of the most incredible things not to do in Dubai is to dance in public. Yes, you heard that right! This may be the most surprising, but it should be taken seriously.
In Dubai, dancing in public is seen as provocative and disturbing to the public, but it can lead to arrest, so stick to venues.
So, now you have seen the ten things not to do in Dubai, which can get you jailed, it is essential to keep them in the forefront of your mind if you plan to visit this famous city.