Saudi Arabia welcomes tourists, but there are a few crucial rules to be aware of before you embark on a trip.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, better known simply as Saudi Arabia, is a country located in the Middle East, known for having the world’s biggest camel festival, the largest sand area in the world, and an abundance of fascinating historical buildings.
While there are many great reasons to visit Saudi Arabia, it is worth knowing that life in this country can be pretty strict.
With many rules and regulations to abide by, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with them before venturing off on a trip. Here are ten things not to do in Saudi Arabia that could get you jailed.
10. Taking photos − a big no-no!

Taking photos of certain things, such as government buildings, military buildings or local people, is considered an offence and is one of the main things not to do in Saudi Arabia.
While you can take selfies with nothing in the background, abide by this rule and never post these on social media.
9. Mingling with the opposite gender − separation is key

Women and men are strictly separated in Saudi Arabia, and women need permission from their men to do anything.
With this in mind, mingling with local women is not tolerated. Even if eating in a restaurant, there must be two sections, one for men and one for women, so always keep this in mind.
8. Spitting in the street − Don’t dare do this

While we would hope that no one does this anywhere in the world, it is considered a criminal act in Saudi Arabia.
Even if a fly lands in your mouth, do not spit in public, as this will raise the alarm leading to a hefty fine or even arrest in the worst case.
7. Wandering around during prayer times − it is best to lay low

Saudi Arabians practice the call to prayer five times a day, each lasting between 20-30 minutes, during which time you should not be caught wandering the streets.
If the officials see you, you may face arrest, so it is best to lay low during these pivotal times.
6. Practicing another religion in public − an Islamic nation

This is a huge no-no regarding things not to do in Saudi Arabia. You will be seriously reprimanded if you are caught promoting or just practising another religion in public.
Islam is the only faith here, so don’t carry Bibles, pictures or anything relating to another faith while visiting the country.
5. Saying anything terrible against the royal family − be respectful

Saudi Arabia is ruled by royal authorities, and this is taken very seriously, so you will face severe consequences if you are caught saying anything disrespectful about them.
As well as this, you must not post on social media and know that volunteers and officials are always listening out.
4. Wearing revealing clothing – always dress modestly

While this mainly applies to women wearing anything that shows too much flesh, it also applies to men wearing shorts, as this is strongly frowned upon and can lead to you getting into a lot of trouble.
You should always cover up as much as possible, especially in public, to avoid bad situations.
3. Eating pork − strictly illegal

One of the main things not to do in Saudi Arabia is to consume pork, which is unlawful since the country is strictly Islamic, and pork flesh consumption is considered ‘haraam’. Following this rule during your stay is best to avoid being reprimanded.
2. Consuming alcohol − no drinking or smoking

Drinking alcohol and smoking in public is highly offensive and can lead to many problems, yet consuming alcohol in a private residence is thought to be accepted.
Still, it is better to avoid alcohol for your entire trip to save yourself any potential issues.
1. LGBTQ+ travellers − one of the main things to be aware of

Those part of the LGBTQ+ community should know that marriages, relationships and all rights are outlawed in Saudi Arabia.
This is something to be highly familiar with, as any displays of affection can lead to imprisonment, flogging or even worse.
So, there you have the ten things not to do in Saudi Arabia, so always follow the rules and stay safe when visiting the country to ensure your trip is problem-free and enjoyable.