From world travel to getting your finances in order, improving your health to starting a family, here are 100 life goals to accomplish before you die.

Setting goals is a great way to ensure you stay on track and get where you want to go.
From visiting new countries to gaining new skills, you can implement goals into every area of your life.
Stuck for ideas? Not to worry. To give you some inspiration, here are 100 life goal ideas to accomplish before you die.
The World Bucket List’s top tips for creating your life goals
- Set short-term and long-terms goals. There is a lot to accomplish in life, and your short-term successes will help build a long-term future.
- Write your goals down! These make your goals visible and helps focus on accomplishing them.
- Break your goals down into actionable steps, where you have smaller tasks gradually building up to your overall goal.
- Get support! Tell your friends and family, let them help along the way and be there for you when to achieve your goals.
- Lastly, dream big, too. While it is wise to be pragmatic and set realistic goals, it is also good to write down what you really want to achieve, aim for it, and see where it takes you.
100. Make a family tree – discover your heritage

Writing up your family tree will help you discover more about your lineage, where you came from, and who you are.
99. Visit 50 countries – an enriching experience
There is no better way to learn about the world than seeing it for yourself, so get out there and explore.
98. Try public speaking – it gets easier the more you do it
Public speaking is a daunting idea for many, but once you’ve done it, the possibilities are endless.
97. Visit the Vatican – the centre of Christianity in the west
As one of the most famous religious sites in the world, a trip to the Vatican should be on everyone’s list of 100 life goal ideas.
96. Make a career out of a hobby – a dream come true
Nowadays, it is easier than ever to turn your hobbies into a career and make money from doing something you love.
95. Redecorate every room in your house – it will feel like a new house

We all have those jobs around the house that we just haven’t got round to yet. So, why not set the time aside and redecorate every room in your home.
94. Drink enough water – a healthy habit
Making sure you drink enough water is one of the healthiest habits you can follow.
93. Save £10,000 – a big achievement
Collecting savings is something on everyone’s bucket list. So, set yourself the goal to save £10,000.
92. Go on holiday with your friends – an unforgettable experience
Discover somewhere new with your closest friends. Plus, you will definitely become closer to one another along the way.
91. See the Eiffel Tower – one of the most famous landmarks in the world
Everyone needs to see the Eiffel Tower at least once in their life. And if you have the time, take the trip to the top.
90. Go interrailing – travel by train

Travelling by train is the perfect way to discover a country or a continent. So, hop on board and discover somewhere new.
89. Start a blog – on whatever you want
Everyone has passions, so why not share them on an online blog?
88. Learn a new word every day – easily expand your vocabulary
There are plenty of apps that alert you with a new word and its meaning every day. So, download one and easily expand your vocabulary.
87. Complete a fitness challenge – for endless health benefits
Not only will completing a fitness challenge improve your health and fitness. It will also improve your mindset.
86. Go on a pilgrimage – a spiritual experience
Discover somewhere new and learn about yourself along the way.
85. Graduate – a lifechanging event

Whether it be from high school, college, or university, graduating will be an incredible achievement.
Read more: The World Bucket List’s suggestions for the top 10 things to add to your bucket list
84. Live in the present – enjoy the now
You can plan for the future but live in the now.
83. Create a recipe – and master it
Impress your friends with your cooking skills at your next dinner party with your very own signature recipe.
82. Visit Angkor Wat – the largest religious structure in the world
This Buddhist temple in Cambodia should be a must-visit on everyone’s bucket list.
81. Travel the world in a backpack – discover the new around you
See where the wind takes you as you travel somewhere new with your life packed in a backpack. The best things you discover while travelling are unplanned things.
80. Build something – for a sense of accomplishment

Building something, big or small, from scratch is sure to give you a true sense of accomplishment.
79. Write a letter to your future self – to see how much you’ve changed
Note down things like where you’re at right now and goals you’d like to achieve. This is a great way to self reflect.
78. Create your own website – your very own space on the internet
Create and build your own website, whether for personal use, blogging, or selling.
77. Learn CPR and first aid – a handy skill to have
Learning CPR and first aid are some of the handiest skills you can have. You could end up saving someone’s life.
76. Go on a solo trip – an enriching experience
Solo travel is a great way to improve your confidence, discover yourself, and see the world.
75. Make a scrapbook or photo album – document your life

Document your memories in a scrapbook or photo album. You will love looking back on this for years to come.
74. Meet someone you find inspiring – ask them a question
We all have someone we look up to in life, so add it to your list of 100 life goal ideas to meet them one day.
73. Attend a silent retreat – discover your inner world
With the noise of day to day life, we sometimes forget to look inwards. Attend a silent retreat to do just that.
72. Learn to knit – make your own clothes and accessories
Need a new scarf? No problem when you can knit it yourself.
71. Get a PhD – become an expert in your field
Further your education and become an expert in your field.
70. Go camping – sleep under the stars

Be at one with nature by sleeping outside in a tent.
69. Journal every day – a great way to reflect
Journalling is a great way to reflect on your daily life and keep on top of your goals.
68. Become financially independent – free yourself
Free yourself from relying on a wage by becoming financially independent.
67. Learn to budget – an important life skill
It’s important not to live beyond your means. Learn to budget so you don’t end up in any sticky situations.
66. Practice gratitude daily – say thanks
Always wishing things were different leads to a life of discontent. So, keep your goals but remember to be thankful for where you are right now.
65. Learn self-defence – an important skill

To keep yourself safe and help in dangerous situations, learn self-defence.
64. Learn about another religion – widen your perspective
Clashing religious beliefs can cause a lot of problems. So, instead of being defensive, learn about another religious belief from your own.
63. Create your own product – find a gap in the market
Create your very own product, such as clothing, jewellery, or food, and sell it.
62. Become debt-free – let go of money worries
No one wants to be in debt, but for many, it is unavoidable. Set it as one of your 100 life goal ideas to pay off all your loans.
61. Be a mentor – a worthwhile goal
Share your skills, knowledge, and experience with those younger than you by becoming a mentor.
60. Witness the Northern Lights – a magical experience

Marvel at the natural world as you see the sky light up with the Northern Lights.
59. Help someone learn to read – a lifechanging skill
With 14% of the world’s population unable to read, passing on this vital skill is a worthy goal.
58. Learn to surf – take to the waves
Can you think of anything better to do on a sunny day than riding the waves? No, us neither, so give surfing a go!
57. Pay off your mortgage – fully own your own home
Like becoming debt-free, paying off your mortgage is a massive weight off your shoulders.
56. Learn a useful skill – sure to come in handy someday
Something outside of what’s expected that you can add to your CV is sure to improve your employability. Use your free time to learn a new skill.
55. Speak at your old school – every child’s dream

Remember when you were in school, and they would bring back the inspirational alumni to speak to the students? Set the goal to be that person.
54. Quit unhealthy habits – smoking, drinking, junk food
We all have our vices, so make it one of your 100 life goal ideas to give up your unhealthy habit.
53. Raise an animal – your very own best friend
Whether you’re more of a dog or a cat person, raising a pet is a truly enriching experience.
52. Go bungee jumping – a leap of faith
Feel the wind in your hair as you trust the ropes tied to your body before flinging yourself through the air – a terrifying and exhilarating experience.
51. Go viral on the internet – a popular Gen Z goal
Share your passions on the internet, and you never know; you could go viral.
50. Discover your limiting beliefs – a freeing task

We all have beliefs and fears that hold us back. Figure out what they are and move on.
Related: Why stop there? Read our list of 30 things to do before 30
49. Learn to drive – a very useful skill
There is nothing like being able to get from A to B on your own without relying on lifts, taxis, or public transport.
48. Trace your ancestry – find out where you came from
Tracing your ancestry can be an incredibly enlightening experience and something that is well worth doing.
47. Visit the tallest buildings in the world – the views will be amazing
Want to feel like you’re on top of the world? Then climb those stairs (or take the elevator) up the tallest buildings in the world.
46. Build or buy your dream home – a dream come true
You know the one you’ve created all the vision boards for? Yeah, that one.
45. Establish a family tradition – it could last for generations

We all have family traditions that have been passed down from our grandparents’ grandparents. So, why not start your own to pass down to future generations?
44. Do a pull-up – improve your strength
One of the best ways to improve your strength and fitness is to lift your own body weight.
43. Go on a staycation – explore your home country
Holidays are great but have you ever been on a staycation? If not, there’s no time like the present.
42. Swim in every ocean – a unique way to see the world
There are four named oceans, so make it your goal to swim in all of them at least once.
41. Hike a long trail – see the great outdoors
There are plenty of long trails worldwide that make their way over stunning landscapes, so grab your hiking boots and take to the path.
40. Go sky diving – a hairraising experience

Let go of the fear and jump from an aeroplane, putting all your trust in your parachute.
39. Live in a foreign country – experience a new culture
Delve deep into the culture of another country by living there for a while.
38. Visit a theme park – a great day out
Be a kid again by enjoying a day out at the theme park – don’t forget the candyfloss!
Read more: the top ten best theme parks in Europe
37. Write a book – on whatever you want
You could write a fictional tale or your own biography. Whatever it is, get it down on paper and write your book.
36. Eat fruit and vegetables every day – look after your health
One of the best ways to keep your body and mind healthy is to make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables.
35. Give back to your parents – to say thanks

Say thanks to mum and dad for all their hard work in raising you by giving back when you can.
34. Start your own business – turn your passions into work
Use your talents or find a gap in the market to start your very own business.
33. Run a 10k – a big achievement
Challenge yourself to run a 10k for a serious sense of achievement. If you feel up to it, enter a race.
32. Live without fear – let go
Many of us are held back by our fears. Let them go and live a life you love.
31. Ride in a hot air balloon – a great way to fly
When it comes to 100 life goal ideas, we can think of nothing better than taking to the skies in a hot air balloon.
30. Take a flight to an unknown destination – discover somewhere unexpected.

Lots of companies offer mystery flights that you only discover your destination when you arrive at the airport. This is a great way to explore somewhere new.
Read: For the traveller in you, read our definitive list of 101 incredible bucket list ideas
29. Read 100 books – expand your knowledge
Whether fiction or non-fiction, add it to your 100 life goal ideas list to read 100 books in your lifetime.
28. Prioritise family time – you only have so much
One of the main regrets people have at the end of their lives is not spending enough time with family. Prioritise family time while you still can.
27. Master five yoga poses – a great all-rounder
Yoga is a great practice for the mind, body, and soul. Make it your goal to master five poses.
26. Explore your home country – discover what’s right on your doorstep
We often miss out on the beauty of our home countries in favour of visiting new and exotic locations. Spend some time discovering what’s right on your doorstep.
25. Drive your dream car – at least once

Whether it’s a flashy sports car or a historic wagon, make it your mission to drive your dream car.
24. See your favourite musician live – an unforgettable experience
There’s nothing like dancing in the crowd while you enjoy watching your favourite musician performing live on stage.
23. Live more sustainably – we all have a responsibility
It is all of our responsibility to look after the world we live in. Thus, we must make it our mission to lead more sustainable lives.
22. Make spontaneous travel plans – book a last-minute flight
Fancy booking a trip to Paris tomorrow? Do it!
21. Master a musical instrument – you’ll be the life of the party
Guitar, piano, violin. Whichever musical instrument you’d like to play, try your hand at learning it.
20. Go plastic-free – save the oceans

We know the damaging impact of plastic pollution on our planet, so why not try to go plastic-free?
19. Go to the Olympics – an unforgettable experience
One of the most iconic sporting events in the world. Even if you’re not athletically inclined, a trip to the Olympics is sure to be an unforgettable experience.
18. Visit every continent – a doable world trip
The seven continents all boast vastly different cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. Add it to your 100 life goal ideas list to visit them all.
17. Give up alcohol for a year – to feel fresh
Waking up fresh every day, ready to take on what the world throws at you? Sounds great to us.
16. Learn to ask for help – easier said than done
Plenty of us are good at offering our hand to help. However, we often find it much more difficult to ask for assistance when we need it.
15. Volunteer for a charity – do some good

With plenty of great causes that could do with a helping hand, one of the best things you can do is volunteer for a charity.
14. See the Seven Wonders of the World – choose your trail
Whether you choose to see the natural wonders, the new wonders, or the wonders of the ancient world, you are sure to discover something magical.
13. Go on a road trip – a great way to explore
Take to the open road and find plenty of hidden gems and places of beauty along the way.
12. Climb a mountain – choose your challenge
Whether you choose to challenge yourself to a feat like Mount Everest or prefer a more manageable climb, climbing a mountain is sure to give you a real sense of achievement.
Related: The World Bucket List’s review of the top ten tallest mountains in Alaska
11. Improve your body language – great for many areas of your life
Improving your body language will not only be good for your physical health but also your confidence and how you are perceived.
10. Take a photo every day for a year – a great way to make memories

Even days that don’t feel special at the time can end up being some of the best memories. Take a photo every day for a year to find beauty in the ordinary.
9. Learn a foreign language – a new way to communicate
Learning a new language is one of the greatest skills you can have. Pick a foreign language and commit to learning it.
8. Set a world record – go down in history
There are world records in everything. Try your hand at beating one to become a world record holder.
7. Learn to forgive – an important task
Learning to forgive those who have wronged or hurt you is an important step for you to move on.
6. Run in a marathon – surprise yourself
You may be looking at this one thinking, “I could never do that.” But we bet, if you put your mind to it, you could.
5. Go scuba diving – discover the underworld

See the colourful world beneath the surface, scuba diving among the fish and coral reefs is one of the ultimate life goal ideas.
4. Start a podcast – a great way to chat
Whether on your own or with a friend, start a podcast and get chatting about something you love.
3. Give up worrying about what other people think – set yourself free
Many of us hold ourselves back from living a life we love as we’re too busy worrying about what other people think. You’re never going to please everyone, so stop trying to and focus on yourself.
2. Go on a round the world trip – one for the bucket list
Discover what’s out there by going on a round the world trip. It will change your perspective forever.
1. Step outside your comfort zone – the most important one of all

Topping our list of 100 life goal ideas is stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you want to learn, grow, and experience new things, you will have to experience some discomfort.
Your questions answered about the top 100 life goal ideas
Writing your personal life goals can be tough and challenging. While we hope our suggestion of 100 life goals are helpful, we understand you may still have some questions to help you! So, in this section, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions put to ourselves and from online to help.
What is the best goal for life?
This is a very personal question for you to answer. To help, ask yourself: where do I want to be? who do I want to be with? What do I want to look back on when I’m older? These will help answer this very fundamental question.
What are 5 good personal goals?
5 good personal goals would include: committing to regular exercise, reading more books, practicing meditation, learning a new skill, and prioritizing self-care.
What are 3 common types of goals?
3 common type of goals would be personal development goals, career and professional goals and then relationship social goals.
What are the 5 C’s of goal setting?
These are: clarity, communication, collaboration, consensus and compromise.